Make it rain, buddy!

Actual publishing date: Apr 6, 2023

šŸ‘‹ Hello, old friend!

Remember me?I used to send a few newsletters about the latest news.Unfortunately I got some issues and couldnā€™t do it anymore.But Iā€™m here to show you something really cool. I know, itā€™s kind of a spam, but bro itā€™s so damn cool I donā€™t even care.Itā€™s calledā€¦ā€¦.

šŸŒ§ļø lo-rain

Yes, with no uppercase letters. Itā€™s aesthetics you boomer šŸ˜¤


It makes it rain over all your apps on MacOS, and it even has a splash effect on the dock!!!

Itā€™s part of a project of mine calledĀ, itā€™s a virtual space of friends that create awesome stuff together.

All images (including lo-rain icon) was made with MidJourney šŸ¤–šŸ¦¾šŸ¦æ

I wish I could show you a video, but this time Iā€™ll have to ask you to open a link:

And as always, take this wallpaper. Actually, these wallpapers, I found this artist that created someĀ AMAZINGĀ wallpapers for MacOS:

Thatā€™s it for today. You can unsubscribe if you want since itā€™s been a long time.

See ya!


āœØ I develop, I design and I'm very annoying.

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